What are the goals, methodology, and scope of the LawSeqSM project?
LawSeqSM is designed to clarify what the law currently is (including conflicting law, gaps, and evolving law) and to formulate recommendations on what the law should be. To learn more, click here.
What are the expected work products of the LawSeqSM project?
In addition to this resource website, the project leaders will produce:
- Consensus recommendations on what genomics law should be in four key domains (liability, quality, privacy & access, and framework);
- Publications by Working Group members offering further targeted analyses;
- Empirical analyses of perceived legal issues facing genomics;
- A national conference with archived videos for free public access.
How was this project funded?
LawSeqSM is supported by a grant from two Institutes at the National Institutes for Health: the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and National Cancer Institute (NCI), Award # 1-R01-HG008605. For more on the sponsors and supporting institutions, click here.
Sometimes the LawSeqSM website links to an abstract or paywall. How can I access full text of a resource that is not available via the website?
Whenever possible, the LawSeqSM website links to complete versions of resources. However, in some cases, copyright protections require users to access resources through a library or other entity that has a licensing agreement with publishers. Ask your local library about the best way to gain access to those materials.
I have a primary resource that should be added to this website. How do I go about suggesting it?
We appreciate your help! Please use the form in the lower left of this page or email [email protected], and the LawSeqSM team will see if it meets the requirements for the project. If so, we'll be pleased to add it. Please note that, because of the volume of scholarship in genomics law, we will generally only add secondary sources that directly result from the LawSeqSM project.
How will I know if the contents of the databases are up to date?
The LawSeqSM databases are updated at least once a week. To find out when an individual law or resource was created or updated, click on the title of a search result, which will take you to a detailed record. Each detailed record includes a "Record Last Modified" field.
Who should I contact if I have a question the this website?
Email [email protected]. While the LawSeqSM project is a collaboration between the University of Minnesota (UMN) and Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), UMN is hosting the website.
Does the LawSeqSM database include subsequent case histories?
While one goal of the project is to include the most authoritative ruling on each case, the case records in our database do not include information about the history of each case after the decision in our database was reached. For example, we do not indicate whether a case was appealed, or whether a writ of certiorari was sought.
Will this website be maintained after the LawSeqSM grant is completed?
The website will be maintained and updated after the grant ends. The state and federal primary resources (statutes, regulations, and case law) will be updated periodically. In contrast, the secondary sources will not be updated systematically after the project concludes. We will, however, add publications and journals that result from LawSeqSM to the secondary sources database.
Where can I get more information about the LawSeqSM project?
Visit the Consortium on Law and Values website.
To send feedback to the LawSeqSM team, click here.