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See Genetic Variant

"An individual’s genetic code contains millions of differences when compared to the human reference sequence. These differences, referred to . . . as variants, are also sometimes called mutations. Genetic variants may be benign and have no impact or may be pathogenic and causative of disease." ("Introduction and Overview to Genomic Test Reports." Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research – CSER. Accessed May 7, 2018). 


"Statutes are laws enacted by legislatures, such as the US Congress. . . . Subject only to constitutional control, they authorize promulgation of administrative regulations and can overturn or modify court decisions that themselves are sometimes concerned with statutory interpretation. In the US, both the federal government and individual states have the power to pass statutes or laws. Some laws are handled exclusively by the federal government or Congress, while others are handled exclusively by the states. Still other laws are the subject of both state and federal governance." ("Statutes: US and State Codes." Harvard Law School Library. Accessed May 10, 2018).